10 Best Day Trips From Cusco, Peru

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Once the heart of the powerful Inca Empire, Cusco in Peru serves as an incredible starting point for delving into captivating historical and archaeological sites, not to mention the opportunity to immerse oneself in the great outdoors.

Recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage City, Cusco is a treasure trove of colonial-era gems, from awe-inspiring churches to picturesque squares. It’s not uncommon to spot local inhabitants, donned in their traditional garb, meandering through the city streets.

As a prime tourist hotspot, Cusco caters to all, with a range of accommodation options to fit different budgets, eateries offering both local delicacies and international favourites, and vibrant bars for some post-sunset relaxation.

While the city itself is a feast for the senses, the real charm of the region lies in the adventures that await beyond the city boundaries.

So, buckle up for some of the most unforgettable day trips from Cusco that will make your Peruvian escapade truly memorable.

1. Machu Picchu

Total Time – Full Day

The view was breathtaking

Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu, Peru

Imagine standing amidst the clouds, surrounded by the grandeur of the Andes, while exploring the enigmatic ruins of an ancient civilization. That’s exactly what I experienced on my day trip to Machu Picchu, the legendary Inca city in Peru.

Our journey began with a scenic train ride from Cusco to Aguas Calientes, the anticipation building as we ascended through the cloud forest. Upon arrival, we took a short bus ride up a winding mountain road, and then, there it was – Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas.

Walking through the stone pathways, I was struck by the sophistication of the Inca architecture. The precision of the stone work, the alignment of the buildings with astronomical events, and the integration of the city with the surrounding nature, it was all simply awe-inspiring.

The highlight was standing at the Sun Gate, looking down at the city with the Huayna Picchu peak in the background. The view was breathtaking and made for an unforgettable moment.

The Machu Picchu day trip was a journey back in time, an adventure that offered a glimpse into the rich history and culture of the Inca civilization. It was a day I will never forget.

2. Sacsayhuaman

Total Time – 3-4 Hours

It was a day of discovery and awe

Sacsayhuamán, Cusco, Peru
Sacsayhuamán, Cusco, Peru

I was standing amidst colossal stone walls, tracing the footsteps of the ancient Incas. That’s exactly what I experienced on my day trip to Sacsayhuamán, an impressive archaeological site just outside of Cusco.

Our journey began with a short drive from Cusco, the anticipation building as we ascended towards the site. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the sight of Sacsayhuamán’s massive walls, a testament to the architectural prowess of the Incas.

Walking through the site, I was struck by the sheer size of the stones used in the construction. Some of them weighed as much as 200 tons, yet they were fitted together with such precision that not even a blade of grass could slip between them.

The highlight of the visit was the panoramic view of Cusco from the top of the site. The city spread out below, framed by the Andes, was a sight to behold.

The Sacsayhuamán day trip was a journey into the past, offering a glimpse into the ingenuity and culture of the Inca civilization. It was a day of discovery and awe, a day that left me with a deeper appreciation for Peru’s rich history.

3. Rainbow Mountain

Total Time – Full Day

an experience that was nothing short of magical

Rainbow Mountain in Peru
Rainbow Mountain in Peru

Embarking on a day trip to Rainbow Mountain feels like stepping into a vibrant painting, a masterpiece crafted by nature itself. Nestled in the heart of the Peruvian Andes, this hidden gem offered an experience that was nothing short of magical.

Our day began with a picturesque drive through the Peruvian countryside, each mile bringing us closer to our colourful destination. As we arrived, Rainbow Mountain unveiled itself, its layers of red, yellow, green, and blue creating a breathtaking spectacle against the backdrop of the clear blue sky.

The trek to the summit, though challenging, was a rewarding journey. Each step offered a new perspective of the multicoloured mountain and the surrounding Andean landscape. The moment we reached the peak was one of pure awe – the panoramic views of the rainbow-striped mountain and the distant snow-capped peaks were a sight to behold.

This day trip to Rainbow Mountain was a celebration of nature’s artistry, a day filled with vibrant hues, stunning landscapes, and memories that will last a lifetime.

4. Southern Valley

Total Time – 5-6 Hours

like stepping into a time machine

Southern Valley, Peru
Southern Valley, Peru

Venturing into the Southern Valley of Cusco was like stepping into a time machine. This region, steeped in history and culture, offered a unique perspective on the rich heritage of Peru.

Our day trip began with a comfortable drive from Cusco, the landscape gradually transforming from bustling city to tranquil countryside. As we delved deeper into the Southern Valley, we were greeted by a panorama of rolling hills, quaint villages, and ancient ruins.

One of the highlights of the trip was exploring the archaeological sites scattered throughout the valley. Each site, a testament to the architectural prowess of the ancient civilizations, offered a glimpse into the past. The intricate carvings, towering structures, and the stories they held were truly captivating.

But it wasn’t just about the past. The Southern Valley is alive with vibrant local communities. We had the chance to interact with the locals, learn about their traditions, and even sample some delicious Peruvian cuisine.

The Southern Valley day trip was a blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. It was a day of discovery, a day that left me with a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry that is Peru.

5. Humantay Lake

Total Time – Full Day

the lake was a stunning spectacle of turquoise waters

Humantay Lake, Peru
Humantay Lake, Peru

Stepping off the beaten path and into the heart of the Peruvian Andes, I found myself on a day trip to Humantay Lake, a hidden gem that’s as beautiful as it is serene.

Our adventure began with a scenic drive from Cusco, the anticipation building as we journeyed through the picturesque countryside. Upon arrival, we embarked on a hike that was as challenging as it was rewarding, with the promise of the lake’s beauty spurring us on.

As we crested the final hill, Humantay Lake unveiled itself in all its glory. Nestled at the foot of the snow-capped Humantay Peak, the lake was a stunning spectacle of turquoise waters set against a backdrop of rugged mountain terrain.

The tranquillity of the lake was captivating. We spent time soaking in the views, the silence punctuated only by the occasional bird call or the soft rustling of the wind. It felt as though we had stumbled upon a secret part of the world, untouched and pure.

The Humantay Lake day trip was a journey of discovery and awe, a day that left me with a deeper appreciation for the natural beauty of Peru. It was a day of vibrant colours, stunning landscapes, and unforgettable memories.

6. Salumpunko (Temple of the Moon)

Total Time – 3-4 Hours

It’s a sight that truly stirs the imagination

Temple of the moon, Salumpunko
Temple of the moon, Salumpunko

Just a stone’s throw away from Cusco, I found myself venturing to Salumpunko, also known as the Temple of the Moon, an easily accessible yet often overlooked gem.

Unlike its more famous counterparts, this Incan site is a path less travelled, offering a peaceful retreat from the usual tourist hustle and bustle. This tranquillity added a whole new layer to my explorations, making the experience all the more enchanting.

As I wandered through the atmospheric ruins, I felt a sense of stepping off the well-trodden path, with the splendid vistas adding to the allure. The site features two intriguing caves that burrow into the hillside, each housing fascinating carvings and ritualistic altars.

The design is such that moonlight filters through cracks in the walls to illuminate the altars under the right conditions, creating an aura of mystery and whispers of ancient secrets. It’s a sight that truly stirs the imagination.

To top off the day, I even had the chance to go horse riding in the surrounding area, adding a dash of adventure to an already captivating day out at Salumpunko.

7. Maras

Total Time – 6-7 Hours

The Maras day trip was a journey of discovery

Maras, Peru
Maras, Peru

Just a short drive from Cusco, I found myself on a day trip to Maras, a small town known for its fascinating salt mines.

Our journey began with a scenic drive through the Peruvian countryside, the anticipation building as we neared our destination. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the sight of the Maras Salt Mines, a patchwork of salt pans cascading down the hillside, each one shimmering in the sunlight.

Walking through the site, I was struck by the ingenuity of the ancient technique still used to harvest the salt. The intricate network of channels feeding spring water into the pans, the process of evaporation leaving behind the precious salt, it was a testament to the resourcefulness of the local community.

The highlight of the visit was tasting the salt straight from the source. The flavour was intense and pure, a culinary delight that I couldn’t wait to bring back home.

The Maras day trip was a journey of discovery, offering a glimpse into the traditional salt harvesting techniques of the region. It was a day of learning, tasting, and appreciating the simple yet profound beauty of nature’s bounty.

8. Pisac

Total Time – 5-6 Hours

Exploring the ruins was like stepping back in time

Pisac, Peru
Pisac, Peru

On a day trip to Pisac, nestled in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, I found myself immersed in a world of ancient history and vibrant culture.

Our journey began with a scenic drive from Cusco, the landscape gradually transforming from bustling city to tranquil countryside. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the sight of the Pisac ruins, perched high on a hilltop with panoramic views of the valley below.

Exploring the ruins was like stepping back in time. The intricate stonework, the terraced fields, and the ancient temples, each element a testament to the architectural prowess of the Incas. The highlight was the Sun Temple, with its impressive stonework and commanding views.

But Pisac is not just about the past. The town is alive with a bustling market, where local artisans sell their handcrafted goods. From colourful textiles to intricate pottery, the market was a feast for the senses.

The Pisac day trip was a journey of discovery, offering a glimpse into the rich history and vibrant culture of the region. It was a day of exploration, shopping, and appreciating the stunning natural beauty of the Sacred Valley.

9. Chonta

Total Time – 5-6 Hours

was an experience that truly took my breath away.

Chonta In Cusco, Peru
Chonta In Cusco, Peru

Embarking on a day trip to Chonta, a hidden gem nestled in the Peruvian countryside, was an experience that truly took my breath away.

Our journey began with a scenic drive from Cusco, the landscape gradually transforming from bustling city to tranquil countryside. Upon arrival, we embarked on a hike that was as challenging as it was rewarding, with the promise of a unique spectacle spurring us on.

The highlight of the trip was undoubtedly the chance to witness the majestic flight of the Andean condors. As we reached the viewing point, these magnificent birds soared above us, their impressive wingspan silhouetted against the clear blue sky. It was a sight that truly stirred the soul.

But Chonta is not just about the condors. The area is also home to a variety of other wildlife, and the tranquil setting made it the perfect place for a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.

The Chonta day trip was a journey of discovery and awe, a day that left me with a deeper appreciation for the natural beauty of Peru. It was a day of vibrant colours, stunning landscapes, and unforgettable memories.

10. Huchuy Qosqo

Total Time – 8-10 Hours

breathtaking panoramic views

Huchuy Qosqo, Peru
Huchuy Qosqo, Peru

As I ventured on a day trip to Huchuy Qosqo, I discovered a hidden treasure nestled in the Peruvian highlands, just outside of Cusco. This archaeological site, known as “Little Cusco,” offered a captivating glimpse into the ancient Inca civilization.

Our adventure began with a scenic drive through the picturesque countryside, the anticipation building as we approached the site. As I stepped foot in Huchuy Qosqo, I was immediately struck by the impressive stone structures that adorned the landscape. The precision and craftsmanship of the Inca architecture left me in awe.

Exploring the ruins, I uncovered the remnants of ancient temples, intricate terraces, and residential areas that once thrived with life. The knowledgeable guide shared intriguing stories and historical insights, transporting us back in time.

The highlight of the trip was reaching the hilltop viewpoint, where I was greeted with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and distant snow-capped mountains. It was a moment of tranquility and serenity, connecting me to the natural beauty that surrounded Huchuy Qosqo.

The Huchuy Qosqo day trip was a perfect blend of history, culture, and awe-inspiring landscapes. It left me with a deeper appreciation for the Inca civilization and its enduring legacy.

Continent: South America

Cusco, Peru